The HOME provides 24-hour supervised care and supportive services to resident men and women residing in a congregate setting. Minimal or basic services include:
Room and Board
Bed and Bath Linens and Furnishings
Laundry and Housekeeping Services
Meal Planning, Preparation and Service
Assistance with Personal Care - activities of daily living and instrumental or social functioning
Health Status/Condition Change Monitoring
Medication Management
First Aid Care
Implementation of Provider’s Order or Treatment
Professional Staff Consultation
Recreational, Cultural and Spiritual Activities
Miscellaneous Supplies/Services including:
Hygiene and Grooming Aids - facial tissue, skin creams, lotions and lubricants, deodorants, oral and dental cleaners, hair care products, disposables (excluding incontinence products), etc.
Snacks and treats.
Activities/Programs - crafts and activity supplies and equipment, seasonal and holiday decorations, special events and outings that are sponsored by the HOME.